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Tu b’Shvat

We enjoyed a special Tu b’Shvat at all three schools yesterday. In the Primary School we planted 3 lemon trees , listened to a dvar Torah by Aiden Joubert and enjoyed a wonderful Tu b Shvat Skit by the Grade 5s, narrated by Shayna. The message being , that the best time to plant a tree, is TODAY. Hannah and Gia made the beautiful stage prop flower bushes, all by themselves! The Grade 5s also performed their skit at the Pre-Primary School, who planted an Olive tree. We enjoyed a delicious Tub’Shvat Seder together at break. The meditation was to be present when eating, and the importance of showing gratitude by saying “before and after blessings” on our food. The High School held a superb Tu b’Shvat ceremony, sharing so many valuable insights and planting 3 Wild Olives.